I had lost track of all the new makan place around in Ipoh, with all the new boutique eateries, dessert huts mushrooming everywhere. So, thanks to a good friend who recommended a new dessert place, we ventured into Ipoh town at night to look for this gelato dessert.
Hello Elvis is situated along the main road heading from new town to old town section of Ipoh. Just keep on the left side, drive slower after the junction towards UTC (do not turn in, just go straight) and you would not miss the bright sign along the row of old shops. Stepping into the shop, with the minimalist design with some tributes for the king of rock and roll, I still do not understand why there are equal amount of tributes to the Beatles. Do not be mistaken, I like dining here. It is spacious, the design is comfortable, yet retaining the traditional feel of the shop. Service is at the counter where we ordered our gelato.
There are other offerings, but of course, we came here for the gelato. It is funny that I still do not know truly how to appreciate gelato. Yes, we know that Italian frozen dessert is suppose to have lower content of fat, but it actually felt like eating froyo. There are lots of selection of gelato here, each with its quirky names and descriptions. Since Lyn is drawn to chocolate, she chose " I dream of Choco" (RM8.50), which is rich with chocolate gelato. The focus is definitely the chocolate gelato with minimal accompanying tit bits. I, on the other hand, followed the chef's recommendation and went for " Curious Churros" (RM9.50). Initially I had no idea what is churros, and I ended up surprise with the orang putih style chakui. Surprisingly, the fried pastry with sugar sprinkle actually tasted very nicely with the gelato. The pastry gave the substance which the gelato may lack because of the low fat content.

All the gelato are served in a taller cup, filled with dried ice to give the smoky presentation. Gimmicky, I prefer my dessert to be more straight forward. The real amount of the dessert is only half the cup of the whole presentation. Before anyone can complain, I actually can understand, since gelato is not cheap to begin with. Do not expect the usual day to day ice cream which we scoop out from the tub which we bought in our nearest hypermarket. But does this mean I really like it? I still am undecided whether would it swing me to become a gelato fan. The place is comfortable, but sometimes, I do prefer scoops of ice cream with a heavy dose of nuts. But Hello Elvis would definitely be a healthier alternative to consider when I need a break from the fattening dessert.
rating: 3 poink~!
comment: extra poink since there is still dessert under RM10, although the amount is not huge.
Hello Elvis
124, Jalan Sultan Iskandar