It had been a super busy few months. Cant even recall the last time I went to the cinema properly. But Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) event of the year could not be missed for any reason. And everyone was not disappointed at all.
To fully appreciate this movie, one may need to watch the rest of the individual Marvel titles but for those who had missed some prior show, it did not prevent the enjoyment of this saga. The story began with the introduction of Thanos, the mad titan. To make things simple, Thanos is on the pursuit of 6 powerful gems which help him unlock the power to easily wipe out half of the universe. This lead to his arrival on earth, confrontation with all the heroes in the MCU from Avengers, to Guardian of the Universe.
Trying very hard not to put any spoiler here, this show is awesome. I could go on and list all the great moments in the movie, but let me just summarize it easily, this may be the perfect example of how a story arc in comic should be translated into movie. With the benefit of characterization of each heroes in prior movies, the movie could just jump into action in the opening sequence. At least two major character will die in the opening sequence. The story took it time to introduce Thanos, and it is a refreshing writing of a villain. Instead of the usual world or universe domination or seeking revenge, Thanos' ambition is more noble. To virtually save the universe of limited resources and growing population, he felt the need to balance the nature and wipe out half of all population. Think lawful evil in Dungeons and Dragon vs chaotic evil of Joker.

The action is non stop, as expected of each of the Marvel movies. Seeing each of the Marvel character ditch it out on screen is just breathtaking. The script was written very well that each of the character was balance, and the focus was equal. It is very difficult to fulfill the fans of each movies, considering all of them would have their own niche of fan base. The pace of the whole movie is consistently exciting, my eyes were just glued on screen for the 2 hours plus. The only drawback is the movie killed off too many characters including those were scheduled to return for solo movies, hinting that there may be some reset of sort in the next Avengers movie.

DC could have learn a thing or two here. MCU has started their final chapter of the Infinity Gauntlet story arc and it is simply amazing. A movie not to be missed.
Ratings: 4 half poink~!
comments: post credit sequence would introduce Captain Marvel (come on, everyone knows by now), and by leaving one particular character alive, I think they would follow the actual comic story of how Thanos is defeated, minus Adam Warlock of course.