On paper, it should be a winning entry. Big casts. Successful formula. What else can go wrong. Well, it did not go wrong. It just end up with a big "meh...". The story follow Sandra Bullock as Clooney's sister. While previous Ocean's series prove to be more successful, this latest entry just pale in comparison. The movie still follow the same heist formula. Bullock gather a group of specialist to steal a very expensive piece of jewelry, while looking good in the process, while avoiding a few miscalculation, and a twist at the end of the movie to provide the big "ah....".
What went wrong, I kept asking myself. The cast should be perfect, with so many veterans on board. The problem is the whole story focus on Sandra Bullock's character without any characterization on the other cast. It was made in such a way that nobody actually care to remember the supporting cast. There was just minimal effort to stereotype them, so you would get a funky East Asian, a cool nerdy Afro American, add a resourceful South Asian, a superficial white bimbo, and there you have a team. The only character which hold on its own is probably Cate Blanchett. The action is seriously lack of style compare to other similar movies recently. Now You See Me, while may have ridiculous story-line, but the heist was done in such a stylish manner. The pacing of the whole Ocean's 8, is rather slow. It did not help it as I watched in during a midnight slot in the cinema. The mini twist at the end of the film, did not help to salvage the movie, as it is really a small, mini, tiny twist which do not do anything to the story at all.
To be fair, it is not a bad movie. It is fairly entertaining. However, having decided to hitch hike on a popular vehicle, you cannot avoid comparison with the more successful bigger brother. If they would decide to make an independent movie rather than an addition to the Ocean's family, it may turn out differently.
ratings: 2 poink~!
comments; would help if not catch the film during midnight show.