The similar formula is followed. Many characters, both from the original (minus Thor and Hulk) Avengers, to the individual movie Ant-Man, and even preview of future projects such as Spiderman (reboot) and Black Panther. All of the actors, actress (Black Widow, of course) easily ease into their character and most of them were given ample focus (as long as do not compare to Capt/ Iron Man/ Winter Soldier). The action is fast paced, and everyone took part in the fight. However, I felt at times, there were overused of hand held camera sequence; after all, I used to have motion sickness. There is a dose of humour in the form of Ant Man and Spiderman; and also some nice one liner here and there. But, this is still far from a perfect hero movie. It was fun, but not filling enough. The movie tried to deal with a deeper layer of seriousness with the argument of freedom vs accountability, but it barely scratches the issue, choosing to focus on the action instead. While I did not actually read the true Civil War story arch, I believe that the actual story is probably better. I cant help it, after Dark Knight trilogy, it set the bar for realistic superhero movie.
Still, for the fun action sequence, the chemistry of all the characters, and watching so many superheroes on screen, this definitely is worth the ticket price. Just do not expect a main dish, its more like a fun side dish rojak.
ratings: 3 half poink~!
comments: I realize why I do not like the movie. I am in camp Iron Man, and I agree that great powers should not go unchecked. Now, back to waiting for Apocalypse vs X-Men
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