I may be very bias with Namewee's movie. I actually like Nasi Lemak 2.0. I followed his songs before Negarakuku. I emphatise with him when he go and give Tenaga Nasional staff a headache. And naturally, people would make comparison between Nasi Lemak 2.0 with Hantu Gangster....
The jokes? Probably most people entering the cinema expecting to laugh their butts off like Nasi Lemak. But, alas, the jokes are not as funny. Even some of the jokes are repeated from Nasi Lemak. It may meant to be a Namewee trademark (ie the broken Chinese English subs which sounded still funny, but the head shaking chap is not), but most do not come in as funny the second round. However, the opening sequence is good enough to tickle anyone. The songs are okay, and boy, do I miss the songs from Nasi Lemak. Those songs are enough to tickle me. The songs here are well produced, but lack the funny moments.Having said that, the end credit rap song is really well done.
So, am I saying it is a bad movie? Not really. Namewee did improved a LOT in film-making. This movie is more refined; better directed; and well produced. Only some minor editing issue (which I suspect was censor problem instead) sort of caused some disjointed flow of the story. Good job! The main saving grace is the acting. Some really solid work from everyone, especially Farid Kamil as Ewan. Mind you, Namewee is NOT the only main star in the show; seems everyone get a fair airtime. It is still great to see so many big names collaborating. The best part is, their guest appearance do not appeared forced. Even Amber Chia's role sort of suit the story (unlike in some movie, the role is sort of created for the star to make guest appearance).
Overall? If I did not ever watch Nasi Lemak, Hantu Gangster would be more enjoyable. However, since I did watch it before, this film come across still lacking and bit forced no matter how refine it is comparatively.
ratings: 2 half poink!
comments: Namewee lost his rebel identity, and worse, appeared to lost the ability to laugh at ourselves. Despite that, I would still pay to watch his next film. Happy merdeka!
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