Sunday, June 23, 2013

World War Z: finally, some terrifying zombies

Zombies probably are the most sissy among all those vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night. Yup, they do look terrifying when they come in numbers but somehow, thanks to most of movies such as Resident Evil, zombies appeared more "fun" and at times, ridiculous.

World War Z started off in a bang. The first 10 minutes showed the beginning of zombie apocalypse. The scenes where zombie plague began in a big city will linger for a while in one's mind. How a usual traffic jam turn into a zombie feast is somehow disturbing. And no thanks to the fact that zombies in this movie is rather vicious and fast, and they can really run.

As usual, the story is always a survival story, this time about how Brad Pitt and his family survive the initial zombie onslaught and rescued to an American carrier. Typical of any zombie movie. Then being a former UN agent, he is set on a mission to identify patient zero to help facilitate a cure. Thus, began his mission to Korea, Israel, and other places. In the process, he managed to find new comrades, and lost few ones too. Typical again for any zombie movie.

So, what set this apart from other zombie movies? Definitely not Brad Pitt. Though he does shine in his role as a vulnerable man stuck in the situation and force to leave his family, frankly most decent actor could carry out this role. However, credits need to given to the writers's team to insert some dead-pan funny one liners here and there to lift up the moment. The main plus point is how the director carry the show. This really does feel like a disaster and action movie at the same time, and I can feel my heart pound in most scenes. There are many cliche scenes but somehow it does work in this movie. The action is fast paced, although at some point it may become rather redundant. The zombies really appeared scary when they run, but somehow became clownish  when they were dormant. One may be biting their nails in anticipation on how or where the next zombie will be coming from. We all know that Brad Pitt will survive until the end of the show and somehow he will find a solution but in these kind of movie, it is the process in the middle that counts.

Would this be THE zombie movie? Probably not. It is still not a perfect nor iconic zombie movie. This will still be forgettable by the end of the year, but in the mean time, it is definitely one of the star movie in the summer.

ratings: 3 half poink!
comments: not as funny or memorable as Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead, but it does manage to keep me awake during midnight screening on a working day. Nuf' said.

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